domingo, 10 de febrero de 2013

Café de las Delicias

Café de las Delicias in Rambla 29, was inaugurated the 6th of September of 1854 (o 1874). It was one of the most elegant and luxurious coffees in Barcelona. In the opening celebration people was fascinated with the sophisticated decoration; a lot of gold and bronze mirrors, spectaculars marble floors and the typical oriental motives really fashionable in this time in Barcelona. All of that was under the direction of the architect Lluis Rigalt that made one of the most expensive reconstructions in this epoch; two thousand and hundred rals paid for Gabriel Balart -the new owner. 

Café de las Delicias was directly connected with the theatre Santa Creu that was called Teatre Principal after the reconstruction in 1847. The costumers were the representation of a high class of Barcelona and were responsible for the image of that social live in the Catalan city. It was a really big local with different spaces and multiplies of atmospheres.  One of the most popular rooms was Salón Circular because its decoration was the crown jewel of Café de las Delicias. As we can read in a description of the coffee that was published in El Fomento journal -7th of September of 1847- the decoration of Salón Circular was compared with the Alhambra of Granada. In the basement there where two billiard tables that were a really popular entertainment for the fans of this game.
One curious anecdote of Café de las Delicias is related with the famous writer Moratín. During a lot of time and despite numerous reconstructions there were two special marble tables that were conserved in one of the small rooms. These tables were well-known as the Moratin’s tables because around them the Madrilenian writer leaded social gatherings every day. 

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